Vladimir Nikolaev. Gereven, ballet TV report. Perm, 11.10.12

Petr Pospelov - The Grandson Of The Pirate - 7. Cabaletta Platforma Project. Vinzavod, 29.11.2013

Pavel Karmanov - The City I Love and Hate - in Perm Dyagilev fest 2013 Alexei Lubimov,Elena RevichVadim TeyfikovSergey PoltavskiIgor BobovichLeonid BakulinOrgel Hall Perm, RussiaDyagilev fest 2013CULTURESCAPESFestival, Baselcomissionedlisten and

Pavel Karmanov – Musica con Cello – with New Russia State orchestra Boris Andrianov (Cello), Ksenia Bashmet (Piano), Andrey Ivanov (Bass), Vartan Babayan (drums) "New Russia"

Pavel Karmanov - Michael Music Pocket symphony, äèð. Íàçàð Êîæóõàðü

Pavel Karmanov - Different Brooks for piano quintett. Tallinn, Eesti musika paevad. Vlad Pessin (Vn), Marina Katarzhnova (Vn), Asya

Petr Pospelov - The Grandson Of The Pirate - 5. Duetto Platforma Project. Vinzavod, 29.11.2013

Vladimir Martynov - Game Of Angels And Men Mystery (excerpt): Litany of the Virgin Mary. Game of angels and men (2000) Moscow

Georgs Pelecis - Vladimir Martynov. Ñorrespondence Part 10 (Martynov): Polina Osetinskaya, piano

Vladimir Nikolaev Dances round a banana peel Composition of 1992. The YAMAHA TG 77 module is used

Alexander Wustin - Bagatelle from "Petrushka Project". Oliver Triendl, piano. The "Bagatelle" by the Russian composer (*1943) in

John Cage – Lecture On Nothing Moscow, Russia TV, 30 Jan 1993 Narrator: Vladimir Chinayev Musicians: Alexei Lyubimov, German Vinogradov

Petr Pospelov - Winter Night The poem by Boris Pasternak (russian) Lisa Ebanoidze, soprano Semen Gurevitch, violin Anastasia Chaikina

Tatiana Gerasimenok - The Smell of Roses (2015) "The Smell of Roses" (2015) for oboe solo Performer: Andrey Cholokyan

Petr Pospelov - Peter And The Wolf Two The sequel to the music tale by Sergei Prokofiev. Russian National Orchestra. Conductor Vladiclav

Tatiana Gerasimenok - Insomnia.Poison (2016) For three percussionists. Performers: Vasily Koloda, Elisey Dregalin, Yuri Posypanov.

Alexander Vustin - Offering for piano quartet and percussion (2005). To Gidon Kremer in Memory of Dmitri Shostakovich

Petr Pospelov - The Grandson Of The Pirate - 4. Scene Platforma Project. Vinzavod, 29.11.2013

Tatiana Gerasimenok - "Bohemian Algae" is the Sacred Ritual of the Holy Trinity. Preface: "The

Vladimir Martynov - Spaces Of Latent Utterance DOM - 11-03-12 on XXI Vladimir Martynov's Festival Vladimir Martynov (Piano)

Vladimir Martynov - Come In (parts 3, 4) Tatiana Grindenko, solo violin Ensemble Opus Posth

Tatiana Gerasimenok - The Creed (2015) Basic video-score. Table, sand, earth, flour, buttons, bag, sieve, knife, nails, background

Georgs Pelecis - Vladimir Martynov. Ñorrespondence Alexei Goribol - Polina Osetinskaya. Moscow International House Of Music

Sergey Khismatov - To the left II | souvenir No name ensemble cond. Mark Buloshnikov

Petr Pospelov - Brigitte's gonna tell me Lisa Ebanoidze, soprano Semion Gurevitch, violin Petr Pospelov, piano Lyrics by the composer The

TPO Composer - Jeux d'enfants - Homecoming Festival, Moscow 2009 Music by Petr Pospelov & Dmitry Riabtsev. The song lyrics by Ekaterina Pospelova.

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Dmitry Smirnov (UK)

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Pavel Karmanov - Cambridge music Vladislav Pesin (vn) Maxim Novikov (vl) Olga Demina (vc)Petr Aidu (pno)video and photo by

Petr Pospelov - Peter And The Wolf Two The sequel to the music tale by Sergei Prokofiev. Russian National Orchestra. Conductor Vladiclav

Pavel Karmanov – Musica con Cello – with New Russia State orchestra Boris Andrianov (Cello), Ksenia Bashmet (Piano), Andrey Ivanov (Bass), Vartan Babayan (drums) "New Russia"

Leonid Desyatnikov - Moscow Nights Main theme from motion picture Arranged for violin and string ensemble by Roman Mints

Sergey Khismatov - To the left II | souvenir No name ensemble cond. Mark Buloshnikov

Leonid Desyatnikov - Sketches of Sunset Sestetto per violine, flauto, clarinetto, contrabasso e piano

Tatiana Gerasimenok - The Creed (2015) Basic video-score. Table, sand, earth, flour, buttons, bag, sieve, knife, nails, background

Vladimir Martynov - Game Of Angels And Men Mystery (excerpt): Litany of the Virgin Mary. Game of angels and men (2000) Moscow

Petr Pospelov - The Grandson Of The Pirate - 3. Aria Platforma Project. Vinzavod, 29.11.2013

Vladimir Martynov. Wall-message (Brocolage) - Part 1 Vladimir Martynov plays at the presentation of his book "Alice's time" Moscow International Open

Anton Batagov - John Cage lived at 6th Avenue and 18th Street Video by Alisa Naremontti. New York City 2012 This composition consists of a pre-recorded

Pavel Karmanov - Funny Valentine for Viola & Harp (2012) Valentina Borisova (Harp), Maxim Novikov (Viola) Sound - Alexander Volkov, Alexander Mikhlin. (c) Maxim

Leonid Desyatnikov - The Rite of Winter 1949 - VI: Sport Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Andrey Boreyko, conductor Prairie Voices choir O.Koshetz choir Providence College Choir

Tatiana Gerasimenok - "Bohemian Algae" is the Sacred Ritual of the Holy Trinity. Preface: "The

Pavel Karmanov - Music for Firework concert version by Alexei Khanyutin The Posket symphony, Nazar Kozhukhar Nazar Kozhuhar Karmanov Hanyutin

Pavel Karmanov Oratorio 5 Angels (Best sound) Yulia Khutoretskaya Young chamber choir+ One Orchestra Pavel Karmanov Oratorio 5 Angels Yulia Khutoretskaya & The Young chamber choir & The

Pavel Karmanov Second Snow on the Stadium by Kevork Mourad - Maxim Novikov - Petr Aidu Maxim Novikov Arts Production— v Spring Music Academy.

Pavel Karmanov - GreenDNK Tatiana Grindenko & Opus Posth. Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory

Pavel Karmanov - Innerlichkeit - Photos by astronaut A_Skvortsov Pavel Karmanov - Innerlichkeit , Photos by astronaut A. Skvortsov Peter Aidu (Piano), Ivan

Pavel Karmanov - String quaREtet Tallinn, Eesti musika paevad. Vlad Pesin (Vn), Marina Katarzhnova (Vn), Asya Sorshneva (Viola), Petr

Vladimir Martynov - Spaces of latent utterance (2012) Vladimir Martynov - Spaces of latent utterance in DOM - 11-03-12

Vladimir Nikolaev. Gereven, ballet TV report. Perm, 11.10.12

Vladimir Nikolaev Dances round a banana peel Composition of 1992. The YAMAHA TG 77 module is used

Quintet This music was written in november - december 2013, commissioned by pianist Alexei Goribol

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